Starter Season: Episode 1
Gundran Rockseeker has sent the broken hand gang to deliver a cart full of items to Neverain.
As Zaxal leaves the tavern and encounters a halfing priest who joins him, he then collects Feniks and her wolf brother Fenrir from the edge of the woods outside of town.
Zaxal buys a health potion from his dealer then the party heads out of town.
The party find that Goblins have killed a set of Gundran's horses on the road.
There are Goblins hiding in the bushes nearby and they attack the party after Zaxal throws his dagger into the bushes. Malo runs away and hides.
After cutting down a goblin, Feniks suffers a grievous wound from his comrade and faints. Fenrir howls repeatedly in distress. An eagle aarokocra swoops in and begins taking out the goblins.
Malo comes out of hiding and heals Feniks and she soothes Fenrir.
Zaxal greets the eagle with aggression, he introduces himself as Harvey Ill Eagle and says he plans to stay with the party as "fate" had brought them together.
They leave the cart hiding in the Goblin clearing and follow the path.
Feniks leads the party through a path of traps, to a river.
Feniks, Fenrir and Malo hesitate.
Harvey flies across the river towards some trees.
Zaxal charges across the river and is shot down by an arrow from a goblin in a guard tower, he calls for aid. Feniks grabs Malo by the wrist and drags him across the river to where Zaxal is on his knees. SHe indicates to Malo to help Zaxal, then she climbs the tower stairs.
Harvey flies into the tower and clears out the goblins, Feniks has to dodge a "flying" goblin.
The party goes into a cave and encounters some chained wolves (3).
Harvey tries to calm them and instead angers them. Feniks steps in but is also unsuccessful in calming the creatures. The party moves on. Zaxal is the only one who can see inside the cave and he takes the lead. He sees a bridge overhead and indicates to Harvey to explore.
Harvey flies up and smashes straight into the bridge, destroying it.
They continue along the path and find more Goblins attempting to flood the cavern by taking out the support beams on the dam. Zaxal engages them in combat and Harvey flies to higher ground to join the fight. The Goblins are successful and the flood of water from the broken dam sends Feniks, Fenrir, Zaxal and Malo back to the entrance of the cave. Harvey is on high ground so is left alone to face the goblins, he gets hurt pretty badly.
The rest of the party rushes back to help Harvey (Feniks checks in on the wolves on her way past), Zaxal and Feniks take out the remaining Goblins and Malo heals Harvey.
Malo is inflicted with chaos magic and has to eat a coin to avoid getting hurt in time intervals (he does not know this).
Feniks throws her torch across the space where the bridge was (before Harvey hit it).
Harvey continues exploring and awakens a bugbear called Klarg. He calls for Feniks as his "captain".
Feniks rushes in and misses an easy shot on a Goblin, the Goblin charges her and cuts her down. She falls from Fenrir's back and lies in a pool of her own blood.
Harvey and Zaxal engage the Goblins and Wolf (normal) in combat at the base of the stairs. One of the Goblins falls down the stairs and falls onto his own blade.
Zaxal is hurt and due to the chaos magic surrounding him, he begins to bleed coins.
Zaxal charges up the stairs towards Klarg and immediately drinks a healing potion. This startles the Bugbear and he trips and falls into the fire.
Malo supports Zaxal with some guidance, sneaking behind Klarg to get in range.
Zaxal attempts a kill shot with eildrich blast, but it blows up in his face and he accidentally kills himself. Bringing the suicide count to two.
Harvey misses multiple dive bombs and is taken down by a club to the face.