Starter Season Episode 2: Loosing a Bired-en
The party wakes up after a long rest.
Harvey heads through a short cut into the wolf den. The wolves attack him and he reciprocates. Harvey is downed by two of the wolves.
Feniks is annoyed by his actions and slaps him while he is down. Malo attempts a half-assed heal on Harvey. Feniks befriends the wolves (animal friendship) and steps between the downed Harvey and the wolves. Harvey dies. Feniks releases the wolves from their shackles, gives them some pats and then leads them to the mouth of the cave. They escape into the wild.
Meanwhile, Zaxal continues to explore the cave and a person called Cirelda (injured human man) calls out for help from another chamber in the cave. Zaxal releases him, he dons his armour and they exit the cave together.
The party goes back to the cart and head towards Neverrain, Feniks in the lead (riding Fenrir). They go to a tavern called Stone Inn. Feniks and Fenrir stay outside, the rest of the party enter and purchase two rooms for the week. Cirelda retires to his room and promises to pay Zaxal back.
The party delivers the cart to its destination (Barthen's Provisions). Zaxal heads inside to make the exchange, he keeps the 40 gold.
Some information he gathers from the store owner:
Neverrain is a mining town. The broken hand gang is looking to gain a cut of income from the mine.
Nundro and Tharden are Gundran's brothers and they are camping outside of town.
Feniks and Malo stay outside with Fenrir. Malo says to Zaxal "I'm staying with Fur mami".
They overhear two people saying "Red Ruffians are attacking people and have kidnapped two children (and the mum?), leaving the dad for dead."
Zaxal comes outside, Feniks grabs him by the arm and drags him over to the people who were discussing the kidnapping and indicate for him to talk to them. He asks and they refuse.
Zaxal intimidates them to talk by displaying his dagger and the woman stutters in fear about "strange people causing trouble".
Four humans in red coats come to interrupt the conversation and tell the party to get lost and leave town by morning.
The party (except Fenrir) enter the tavern and see an elvish rogue and a human man with long pink hair having a boat race drinking competition. Zaxal starts taking bets and the innkeeper puts in for the "pink guy" (Valdani). A crowd forms. The elvish rogue (Pinecone) wins the boat race, the human fails, spilling most of his drinks.
Feniks whittles away at her wolf wood carving in the corner, entirely uninterested in the drinking competition.
Cirelda is sitting in the tavern and Zaxal approaches. They exchange words.
Malo tries to convince Zaxal to "keep the rogue" as they wander back to sit with Feniks.
The pink haired man comes over, takes a seat and offers to buy everyone a drink, the elf overrules and buys the drink.
The pink haired man tries to introduce himself (Valdani – Val) and get everyone's names. Zaxal says his name is Gundran, Feniks stares Valdani down, Malo introduces himself and indicates that Feniks is the leader "Fur mami is the boss". Val orders a round of drinks and indicates Feniks needs to loosen up, she growls in response. Pinecone makes an offhand joke about a dog bowl, she slaps him. Pincone appears impressed by her response.
Val tries to convince Feniks to drink, him and Pinecone appear to be bored with the party.
Val goes and starts chatting with a lone stranger in the corner of the room. This person is a weaver (Fred) who has been affected by the Red Ruffian gang. Val offers aid and gives the stranger his business card.
Zaxal tells Feniks he wants to get rid of these people, she indicates agreement.
Pinecone goes over and talks to a woman (innkeepers wife), she tells him the story of the woodcarver who was murdered in cold blood and his family abducted. She mentions they pay a tithe to the gang, they give them free drinks whenever they come in. She says that they usually reside in the "Sleeping Giant Taphouse".
Val and Zaxal begin a magic pissing contest, each casting spells to impress the other. Feniks begins packing up her carving tools as this happens. Pinecone asks Feniks if she'd like to go pick a fight. She nods, and starts to leave. The rest follow.
Feniks begins leading them to the Sleeping Giant Inn, but Zaxal and Pinecone decide it is better to look into the dead woodcarver first. Val leads the way, they chitchat.
They get to the house and break in (Pinecone). They investigate the workshop, it appears someone has tried (unsuccessfully) to cover up a brutal murder. Nothing else found of note. Zaxal's leg turns to bark.
The party heads to the Sleeping Giant Inn. Ruffians are lounging about outside. The one who appears to be the leader talks smack and Zaxal blasts him (Eldrich blast). Feniks draws her bow. Val exclaims "HOLY SHIT". Pinecone draws his short bow. Malo hides behind Fenrir (Malo calls him "pony").
Val casts a spell in combat and the target ruffian disappears in thin air (chaos magic).
Malo heals Zaxal and all of a sudden his arm looks like diamond (chaos magic). One enemy is down and hundreds of worms sprout from the fallen enemy. Zaxal kills the last enemy and takes his soul, as he does this, he appears as a column of fire from behind.